ART THROUGH GLASS is series of exhibitions conceived to make it possible for people to continue to enjoy and engage with art despite the difficulties imposed by Covid restrictions. We felt that whilst an online presence is obviously vital it will never be a stand in for the experience of standing in front of the real thing. The large display window onto the street in old Portsmouth serves as a great platform for art and a way for people to take their daily physical exercise and get their mental stimulation and art fix.

Our next Art Through Glass window is ‘Pots on Parade’ by Jacqui Mair starting 1st September 2021

During the month long exhibitions we make a virtue of the limited space by challenging artists to creatively make best use of it and in some cases actually make new work to fit. The original artworks are displayed in the gallery window whilst simultaneously featuring online on all the usual social media platforms and on the gallery website. We can’t run the gallery in the normal way but we can continue to offer artists opportunities to exhibit and sell and give the local community and the wider online community the pleasure and stimulation of seeing art and learning the stories that go with it.

So far we have had what proved to be the hugely popular Art Advent Calendar display which showed the specially commissioned work of 25 local artists all measuring 25x25cm, all featuring somewhere the colour red, all priced £200 or less. The next window exhibition featured the intriguingly beautiful landscape paintings of Art Space Portsmouth member Charlotte Brisland which was followed by ‘Darkown Debris’ by illustrator Jonny Hannah; a dazzling array of painted objects and nutty items of personalised memorabilia telling the stories of the inhabitants and heroes of the artist’s alternative reality that is Darktown. We have just closed the window on Derek Boshier’s ‘John Spinnaker Walking’ which was accompanied by Jacqui Mair’s ‘Boshier Vase’.

‘Manifestations of a Cube #7’ by Portsmouth based artist Jeannie Driver was the Art Through Glass window for June 2021. To go to her Art Through Glass exhibition click here.

THE NEWS did a nice big feature on the Art Through Glass Gallery program have a look at it HERE