The Omega Art School is thrilled to present EXPLORE an exhibition of paintings, collage, printmaking and mixed media created by the Art school Students. A chance to see what the students have learned from the Artist Tutors and what wonderful creative opportunities the school offers.
Perhaps like many of us you started the New Year with a resolution to ‘improve’ yourself, learn a new skill or just spend a bit more quality time with yourself? Perhaps you used to make art and allowed life to take over and now want to brush up rusty skills and regain some lost confidence? Perhaps you know a budding artist who needs a nudge to get making? Omega Art School was set up by artist/illustrator KEVIN DEAN to bring fledgling and experienced art lovers together to offer an outlet for creativity and learn new techniques and skills from practising artists including JACQUI MAIR, CHRIS WOOD, DEBORAH DODSWORTH and RACHEL JOHNSTON in an art community hub open to all!
During the Omega Art School residency at the Gallery there will be an exhibition of work made by both the students and teachers as well as FREE TASTER SESSIONS to give you an idea of what the school has to offer. A list of the Omega Art School Academy exhibitors can be see by clicking here.
On Saturday 25th March here at the Gallery there’s an opportunity to meet the tutors in an informal get together to find out more. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK THE FREE TASTER WORKSHOPS CALL Deb Dodsworth on 07920 114831
Artist illustrator & Omega Art School founder Kevin Dean