Never ever, ever After - First Editions
The book cover designs of fabled writer Kid Freeman
(and Petting Zoo Prints & Collectibles)
Private View Thursday 12th October 6-8pm
Exhibition 13th October to 11th November 2017
"Nestled on the shoreline of the British south coast, a printmaker dreams of being a world renowned author. A spinner of compelling fiction, an eloquent essayist and no-holds-barred biographer of femmes fatale, scuzzy rock'n'rollers and, all manner of calamitous daredevils the world has never heard of...With clunky prose and unpalatable verbosity, however, not to mention his distinct inability to execute a single satisfying conclusion to any false-start narrative, a scribe's life has been kept out of reach. Despite this, armed with a print press and an urge to publish, Spencer (of Petting Zoo Prints & Collectables) has chosen to simply bypass the writing part of being a writer.
'Never Ever, Ever After - First Editions' is a show that sees the launch of a new ongoing project released under the moniker Kid In Deed... the collection showcases the book cover designs of an author who never was, Kid Freeman, arranged both by genre and different (fictional) publishing companies that never have, and never will, put these books into circulation.
Imaginatively self-mocking and high on style, this exhibition of empty book covers is not devoid of content, but aims rather to conjour the stories from the audience, demonstrating our sophisticated, media savvy abilities to judge a career by its covers."
The Never ever, ever After series was made for Jack House Gallery and these limited edition screenprints prints are currently only available for sale here. Should you be interested in purchasing please email or call 07503152848.