Cut & Paste Collage Workshops at Jack House Gallery
Saturday 10th & Sunday 18th November
10am-4pm £48 per person
Jacqui Mair will be holding two collage workshops here at Jack House Gallery and you are invited to join them. You will need to book in advance to secure a place. The cost for the 10am - 5pm day is £48 and should be paid in advance. Please contact the gallery for details of how to book a place and pay or 07503152848.
“I have been collaging for most of my life; I trained as a printmaker and found that the process of layering is very similar to collage. Over the past thirty years I have taught mostly part time at many art colleges and universities throughout the UK and most recently in the USA. I have worked as a freelance illustrator and sold work at exhibitions and to private collections throughout the world. I think my major love is paper and I am at my happiest with a very sharp pair of scissors and a glue pot, cutting and pasting and drawing with scissors. I hope this excitement will feed through for everyone throughout the day! “
Collage compared to other art forms requires few tools or supplies and practically anyone with an appreciation for found objects , paper, and a love of composition can do it. Our priority of the day is to understand the sorts of papers we may use and how we can through simple techniques make our own too. We will look at a small film that illustrates aspects of design and composition, colour choices, layering, cutting and gluing. I would like to show some of my pieces and other artist’s work, the techniques they have chosen as inspiration and hope you will enjoy creating your own works of art.
Substrate – background card to collage on to.
Glue medium and brushes for sticking (I would also purchase a simple glue stick for personal use)
Papers and I have the materials for you to make your own papers as well. If you have any favourite papers, which you have and want to use please bring them. Craft shops like Hobby Craft and The Range stock scrap booking papers which are suitable for collage, much of my stock is: old magazines, maps, exercise books, old letters, handmade papers all collected over many years and I am very happy to share. There is much we can use that comes through the letterbox, wrapping from food etc. so start collecting!
Pencils and tracing paper for outlines
Acrylics and stencils, photocopy paper etc. for making papers on gelli plates
Kitchen paper
Cutting mats
X-acto knives
Items to bring:
Sharp small scissors I use Fiskars Needlework scissors 13cms orange handle which cost 9.36 on Amazon. It is helpful to have scissors with a sharp point.
Personal collage papers if you have some.
Sketchbook if you use one for sketching out ideas, if not I will have photocopy paper
Pencils and pens.
X-acto knife / scalpel if you have one.
Glue stick
An apron I like to wear one!
Tea and coffee will be available but lunch should be brought or can be bought locally.
Transport /parking
Parking permits can be purchased from the Gallery if requested ahead at a cost of £1.20 for a full day parking. Please email or call 07503152848. The gallery is a 10 minute walk from Portsmouth Harbour Station and slightly longer from Southsea.