John Green & the Art of the Portsmouth Dockyard
A project to include an exhibition of the art of John Green about the people of the Portsmouth Dockyard. Images of a community driven by industry “winding towers and cranes can be torn down in a day, but the bonds, formed through shared hardship working under them live on.” Grayson Perry.
DOCKIES will be a show of work about the men and women of the Portsmouth Dockyard by an important local artist John Green to take place in the dockyard where the artist himself worked for 40 years as a rigger. The exhibition will consist of artworks borrowed from private collections & including the original dockyard sketchbooks he carried in his pockets and used during his working life in the dockyard and will be a starting point for a series of related events involving ex-dockies and their families and the wider local community and schools with an emphasis on reconnecting local communities with their dockyard & to put the young with the old.